The Yo Art Project

The Yo Art Project

Yo Art, Inc. is a non-profit organization recognized by the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials for its after-school program, working with inner-city youth. Using one-to-one mentoring, the organization helps boys and girls establish goals and see the unlimited opportunities that are available beyond the bounds of their local neighborhoods. With a goal of building self-esteem and job skills, it focuses on academic and community service through art workshops, exhibitions, and public art projects. Yo Art partners with local artists and arts organizations and works in eight Charleston County Title One schools, providing classes such as photography, MS PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop, and mural painting. Proud to show the children’s artwork on our website, Custom Development Solutions, Inc. (CDS) is a financial supporter of Yo Art and provides pro-bono advice to help them improve their fundraising.


More information on Yo Art may be found on their website,


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