Choosing the Best Capital Campaign Volunteers

Multiracial group of capital campaign volunteers having a meeting in an office.

Successful capital campaigns are propelled by a cadre of generous, motivated campaign volunteers willing to ask others for financial support. No matter the size of the capital campaign or the type of charity, successful campaign volunteers share some key qualifications. Read on to learn the characteristics of the best campaign volunteers, as well as where to search for them. For help choosing a stellar capital campaign leader, check out our related article.

What to Look for in Your Capital Campaign Volunteers

1. A significant financial commitment to the campaign

All campaign leaders should make a leadership gift. A significant gift is the most important contribution that any leader can make to the campaign. By giving as generously as possible to the campaign, volunteers generate the fuel needed to launch and sustain the campaign. Yes, your campaign committee list should have “name appeal.” And, yes, committee members with titles, credentials, awards, memberships, or affiliations matter. However, leadership gifts made early in the campaign speak volumes. Ultimately, campaign volunteers who have demonstrated their own generous financial commitment to the campaign will inspire and motivate prospective donors to give.

2. A willingness to solicit major gifts from others

Make no mistake about it, capital campaigns need campaign leaders who are willing to solicit major gifts. Consult carefully to evaluate the willingness of prospective leaders to be involved in asking others to make major gifts to the campaign. Be direct and clear when you are meeting with potential leaders that their key responsibility is to actively participate in the solicitation process. This includes arranging appointments, meeting with prospective donors to ask for gifts, and following up to formalize commitments made in face-to-face meetings. Explain to all of your prospective leaders that they will not be expected to solicit gifts without the proper training and support they need to be successful.

3. A passion for the charity and its mandate

One of the most beneficial attributes that leaders can bring to a capital campaign is belief in your organization and enthusiasm for the campaign project. Convincing solicitors are able to speak sincerely about their commitment to the organization. As you consider prospective campaign leaders, think about the following questions:

  • Do your prospective leaders have the capacity to positively project their passion for the organization and the campaign?
  • Can they convince others to join their efforts?

4. A results-oriented approach

A group of high-level volunteers who are results-oriented will inspire and motivate each other to meet the campaign goal. Take the time to discreetly vet the names of your prospective volunteers with others who have worked with them. Do your prospective volunteers follow through on commitments? Are they persistent enough to help open doors that may not open easily? Are they unwilling to take no for an answer? Do they rise to a challenge? Are they willing to take ownership of the campaign and be accountable for its success?

Where to Search for Campaign Volunteers

With this list of qualifications in mind, where should you look for capable, qualified campaign volunteers? Here’s a checklist to help you with your task:

  • Look within the ranks of your organization. Board members and past board members, including founders, are all candidates for consideration.
  • Consider community players who have been or are currently involved in other successful capital campaigns. Remember, success breeds success.
  • Trust your own circle of mentors and advisors. Poll both those within your organization and outside about whom they think would be top-notch campaign leaders.
  • Comb through your donor list and your prospective donor list. Perhaps your new program, wing, or building will strike a chord in a way that past efforts have not.
  • Consult with philanthropy professionals. They have likely been involved with capital campaigns in the past. Tap into the personal insight these philanthropy experts may have about leaders within your community. Ask them who they feel have really made the difference in other successful campaigns. They’ll be flattered that you asked!

To meet the target goal, the campaign will need to draw upon funds and support from corporations, foundations, governments, and individuals. Bear this fact in mind when compiling your list of prospective leaders. Which well-respected community leaders can best help you open doors to foundations that might top your donor prospect list? Who are the business leaders that can attract their peers to both support and be involved in the campaign? Which individuals can lead the charge in accessing government funds be they local, state, or federal? Who will most inspire other individuals to give generously to your project?


Above all, remember to be particular and selective when assembling a strong group of campaign volunteers. Being strategic at the outset will ensure that through each step of the campaign—including every single solicitation—your organization will have a winning leadership team destined for success.

CDS has been a leader in nonprofit fundraising for the past three decades. Contact us for more intensive help with your major gift fundraising, strategic planning, or in preparing for a capital campaign.

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